Model. Artist. Designer. Musician.

Never much of a fashion maven, Misha Lindes was somewhat surprised to find himself modeling—but there he was, photographed with his sister Staz, appearing first in Hedi Slimane’s diary and then in spreads for Saint Laurent and in the pages of Vogue. Though he appreciates the artistry that goes into every shoot, it’s the act of making art and music that really captures Misha’s attention.

After a stint in London for art school, Misha returned to his native LA, where his band SadGirl allowed him to flex the full range of his creative powers. In addition to writing songs, playing guitar, and planning tours, Misha also designs the merchandise, promotions, and posters for the band. With a lifelong reverence for the record album as an object of art, Misha’s graphic design, text, and imagery bring a multimedia dimension to every SadGirl endeavor.

Inspired by the early rock classics that dominated his parents’ record collection, SadGirl offers up classic sounds but with a twist—doo-wop gone surf; oldies gone eerie; a punk rock wink at a jukebox love song. Signed to Suicide Squeeze in 2018, the label has released a pair of singles digitally and in limited edition vinyl pressings. The band has already toured the US and the next dream on the horizon is playing across Europe, Mexico, and Japan.

Inspired. Inspiring. Visionary.



Bio by Merrill Feitell

“these romantic ballads and gut-wrenchers, that’s where my heart’s at.”